Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de suggest

to suggestinsinuar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I suggestyo insinúo
you suggesttú insinúas
he suggestsél insinúa
she suggestsella insinúa
we suggestnosotros insinuamos
you suggestvosotros insinuáis
they suggestellos insinúan
they suggestellas insinúan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I suggestedyo insinué
you suggestedtú insinuaste
he suggestedél insinuó
she suggestedella insinuó
we suggestednosotros insinuamos
you suggestedvosotros insinuasteis
they suggestedellos insinuaron
they suggestedellas insinuaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have suggestedyo he insinuado
you have suggestedtú has insinuado
he has suggestedél ha insinuado
she has suggestedella ha insinuado
we have suggestednosotros hemos insinuado
you have suggestedvosotros habéis insinuado
they have suggestedellos han insinuado
they have suggestedellas han insinuado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had suggestedyo había insinuado
you had suggestedtú habías insinuado
he had suggestedél había insinuado
she had suggestedella había insinuado
we had suggestednosotros habíamos insinuado
you had suggestedvosotros habíais insinuado
they had suggestedellos habían insinuado
they had suggestedellas habían insinuado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will suggestyo insinuaré
you will suggesttú insinuarás
he will suggestél insinuará
she will suggestella insinuará
we will suggestnosotros insinuaremos
you will suggestvosotros insinuaréis
they will suggestellos insinuarán
they will suggestellas insinuarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have suggestedyo habré insinuado
you will have suggestedtú habrás insinuado
he will have suggestedél habrá insinuado
she will have suggestedella habrá insinuado
we will have suggestednosotros habremos insinuado
you will have suggestedvosotros habréis insinuado
they will have suggestedellos habrán insinuado
they will have suggestedellas habrán insinuado

I would suggestyo insinuaría
you would suggesttú insinuarías
he would suggestél insinuaría
she would suggestella insinuaría
we would suggestnosotros insinuaríamos
you would suggestvosotros insinuaríais
they would suggestellos insinuarían
they would suggestellas insinuarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have suggestedyo habría insinuado
you would have suggestedtú habrías insinuado
he would have suggestedél habría insinuado
she would have suggestedella habría insinuado
we would have suggestednosotros habríamos insinuado
you would have suggestedvosotros habríais insinuado
they would have suggestedellos habrían insinuado
they would have suggestedellas habrían insinuado

Participio presenteAnotado
suggesting insinuando

Participio pasadoAnotado
suggested insinuado

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